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HSE Service in Georgia

Creating the legal documents are inevitable and crucial part of the HSE system development. It’s also mandatory to have paperwork in order to prevent government litigations. We fully participate in creating documents, so our customers won’t have to worry about being inexperienced in the legal field.

თანამშრომლების სწავლება

It’s important that all the personnel acknowledge their personal responsibility for HSE. Since every single employee must know how to deal with HSE risks and we tutor and prepare them for various kinds of situations...

გაზომვითი სამუშაოები

Every company needs to examining the macro-factors such as Noise, Air Speed, Vibration, Temperature, Humidity, Dust & etc. Measuring them will determine what kind of preparation & equipment will be proper for your working environment..

რისკების შეფასება

Auditing the HSE Risks are crucial in our job. Once the examination process is complete, we present it to the customer and are also able to identify what amount work needs to be done, until the system meets minimum or recommended standards of secure HSE system..

აკრედიტირებული კადრის გამოყოფა

Each of our customers get the account manager - a professional who’s responsible for all the actions regarding HSE system development. It’s his/her duty to make the best out of any situation and also to make sure that employees and employers are secured and satisfied, as well..

იურისტის მომსახურება

There are no many professionals in this field on the market, but still - GeoSafety is associated with the best lawyers who are ready to take any necessary action to protect our customers from any kind of legal danger....

ხარჯების ოპტიმიზაცია

At the beginning of the partnership we show and ensure our customers how we can optimize their budget in the HSE field. Before we began to work together our clients know the total costs of the whole procedure. Should any kind of financial issue pop-up, it’s our responsibility to seal it with our own resources.

სახანძრო უსაფრთხოება

Since Fire safety is aligned closely with HSE we offer consulting in this field, as well. We give recommendations about inspection, installation, maintenance and repairs. We provide quick, efficient and reliable service which will make your working environment the safest place.